Founded in 1979 as the Theatre Information Group London, APAC became the UK’s Subject Specialist Network for performing arts in 2005. It has received Subject Specialist Network funding from Arts Council England and from the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council. In 2018, APAC became a registered charity and an Affiliate Group of the Archives & Records Association of the UK and Ireland (ARA)
All members of APAC are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct, agreed at the 2020 AGM.
APAC Board of Trustees
APAC is run by a Board of Trustees elected at the Annual General Meeting. The committee consists of the Chair, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Website Officer, and Officer Without Portfolio. Each named office may be shared by two members; there may be a number of Officers Without Portfolio.
Officers for 2024/25
Chair: Robyn Greenwood
Robyn is Collections Manager, Creative Placemaking and Public Programmes, at The Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-upon-Avon.
Secretary: Niamh Kelly
Niamh is Assistant Curator at the V&A.
Membership Secretary / Treasurer: Patricia Underwood
Patricia is the Archivist for Lewisham Heritage.
Website Officer: Sarah Harrison
Sarah is an Archivist at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Officer Without Portfolio: Biddy Hayward
Biddy runs the performing arts photographic archive ArenaPAL.
Officer Without Portfolio: Georgina Donohue
Georgina is Heritage Officer at Nottingham Theatre Royal and Concert Hall.
Officer Without Portfolio: Bethany Johnstone
Bethany is APAC’s Student Representative; she is a Doctoral candidate at University College London researching online access to dance archives.
Officer Without Portfolio: Phil Boot
Phil is Archivist at Glyndebourne.
Officer Without Portfolio: Sian Williams
Sian is a Project Archivist at the University of Bristol Theatre Collection