APAC Student and Academic Social

APAC would like to welcome all students and academics to a special social event hosted at Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall Nottingham.

The event is a chance for you to learn more about APAC as a student or academic in addition to gaining an exclusive look into one of our APAC member archive collections: Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall Nottingham.

This event is free to all student and academic members of APAC. If you are not a member of APAC, the event is charged at £5 and if you would like to join APAC, you will also be given a 50% discount code which can be redeemed, after your attendance has been registered at the event, against the current cycle of the APAC student and academic membership.

APAC Special Social Details: (more to be announced)

Tea & Coffee Reception

Welcome from APAC student and academic representative Bethany Johnstone

Tour of the Auditorium and Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall Heritage Mural

Artists Lizzie Meakin, Amy Nicholson and Suzy Gunn from Handmade Theatre, along with students from Nottingham Trent University, transformed the space under the stairwell of the Theatre Royal in November 2022 with a bespoke heritage timeline mural design. Speaking to theatregoers, heritage volunteers and staff from the venue helped shape their ideas. They looked closely at the theatre’s collections via the digital and onsite archives, including a wide range of materials in their final design. The space is now eye-catching, vibrant and reflects the variation of different performances that have taken place over the last 157 years. It also brings to life aspects of backstage that traditionally audiences do not get to see. This project was made possible via funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund and continues to be enjoyed by audiences of all ages. The theatre also hopes to work with the artists to add a prop box to make this space more interactive for children and family groups.

Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall talk by heritage officer Georgian Donohue

Georgina joined the team in March 2021 as the venues’ first Heritage Officer with thanks to funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Key areas of the role include widening participation in heritage engagement via a new school programme called Discover Your Theatre and programming public backstage tours. The role oversees the team of 46 dedicated heritage volunteers who are involved in archiving the collections, conducting oral history interviews, researching the collections and supporting backstage tours of the theatre. The theatre works in partnership with the University of Nottingham to ensure the collections will be preserved for the future at their Kings Meadow Campus.

Two Presentations by students currently working with the Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall Nottingham collections.

Lunch will be provided!

Note: If there are any specific allergies and nutritional requirements, please do get in touch at info@performingartscollections.org.uk.

We look forward to welcoming you to this very special social event and hope to be able to provide you with an insight into what being an APAC student and academic member involves! Further details about the event will be provided in due course. Any questions please direct these to info@performingartscollections.org.uk

Getting Here:

Please arrive via the main box office entrance on South Sherwood Street. Nottingham has excellent transport links; more information can be found on the Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall Nottingham website


APAC offers events for members and non-members on a wide range of topics related to performing arts heritage. We share our knowledge through event reports and encourage best practice by creating resources. Travel grants are available for members to attend events.