The galleries, libraries, archives and museums across the UK and Republic of Ireland that make up our membership have all been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Whether you’ve fully reopened, are tentatively returning to work or your performing arts collections are closed for now, we’ve gathered together guidance, support and best practice from across our sector which we hope can give you confidence in your decisions and actions in the uncertain months still ahead.
MA (Museums Association)
- Supporting museums to get involved in the Kickstart Scheme
- Staying connected with their Workforce Covid Support Group for furloughed staff and those at risk of redundancy
- Funding to bring people closer to collections
- The Managing in Crisis Facebook group acting as a safe space to connect
- Good practice guidelines for reopening museums
- A statement on support needed to reopen the museum sector
- Organisational and Employment FAQs
CILIP (The Library and Information Association)
- Developing a Service Recovery Plan
- Promoting Libraries and Information Services during COVID-19
- Undertaking a COVID-19 Risk Assessment
- Staff and volunteer welfare and PPE
- Creating ‘COVID secure’ physical spaces
- Managing IT access and equipment
- Books and resource circulation and browsing
- Sources of financial help and advice
- CILIP Benevolent Fund ‘COVID-19 Emergency Fund’
ARA (Archives and Records Association)
- Access to ARA Together’s Online Community
- Content generated from the Online Community
- ARA’s own news and policies relating to COVID-19
- Support and practical help from the heritage sector
- Tips for staying engaged with your own professional development
- Other Learning and CPD opportunities to explore
- Support relating to health and wellbeing
TNA (The National Archives)
- Operational planning and checklists for reopening
- Practical advice relating to Accreditation and Places of Deposit
- Guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office on FOI and Data Protection during the pandemic
- Conservation guidance on starting to use collections again
BAC (Business Archives Council)
ACE (Arts Council England)
ICON (The Institute of Conservation)
- Their advocacy for conservation and conservation professionals
- Continuing Professional Development opportunities
- Collection Care advice
- Guidance on reopening historic building and sites safely
- Business Support for organisations and freelancers
- The ICON Online Community via Discord
AIM (Association of Independent Museums)
SCONUL (Society of College, National and University Libraries)
- Resources for SCONUL members dealing with Covid-19
- Resources relating to re-opening the physical library
- Members webinars to discuss responses to the crisis
- Advocacy on behalf of members on access to content and copyright
Posted: Sunday, November 8th, 2020
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What connects our members’ collections? Here we put a spotlight on some of the curious themes that tie us together.